Gita Jayanti - Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Revealed

Gita Jayanti is round the corner. It is the day when Shrimad Bhagavad Gita was manifested in the form of verses in the battlefield of Kurukshetra from the Shrimukh of Shri Krishna. What Shrimad Bhagavad Gita bestows us with? What is the meaning of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita? How can we implement Shrimad Bhagavad Gita in our daily lives?  Further we will dive into the pool of inquisitiveness and will get to know all.

Bhagavad Gita Jayanti 2021 Date

-       Gita Jayanti, Tuesday, December 14, 2021

What is the meaning of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita? 

The Gita is complete in itself. 'Gi' means song and 'ta' means savior. A song that has the power to protect not only man but every organism, every creature.

Geeta Jayanti 2021

What makes Shrimad Bhagavad Gita different from other scriptures?

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is a great scripture for the welfare of the masses that was manifested in a turbulent atmosphere filled with dilemma and troubles, unlike the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas it is not manifested from the words of the saints & sages, who meditate in the hills and caves but in the battlefield of Kurukshetra, amid the utter uproar of war.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita and True Intellect

Shri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita says-

tesham satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam
dadami buddhi-yogam tam yena mam upayanti te (10.10) 

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is an open-ended scripture which does not force you but lets you do what you want to. Gita is considered as the 'preacher of wisdom'. Along with Humanity it teaches about our duty towards Almighty.

In every field of life, you need intellect and knowledge, mind (mana) alone can't do anything but when mind is used along with intelligence, it stands out.

What kind of intelligence does Shri Krishna bestows?

Shri Krishna bestows us with Buddhi Yoga and that is real intelligence. Being detached when performing any work, being free from desires, not worrying about the fruits of your actions and surrendering unto the lotus feet of Lord is Buddhi Yoga.

How is Gita Jayanti celebrated?

The most joyous occasion is the celebration of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Jayanti. This year it is 5158th Anniversary of Gita Jayanti.

Worship Shrimad Bhagavad Gita on this day and recite the verses from it.

You can also visit schools, old age homes and orphanages and make them recite a verse from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.

With the inspiration from Prernamurti Bharti Shrijia campaign is run by Satprerna Trust in various schools wherein many Christian schools also participate, and their principals also promise to start the school every day only after reciting Gita Shlokas. As part of the campaign, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is worshiped, its significance is explained to the students, interschool competitions are organized on Bhagavad Gita and its Shlokas are recited.

Let's make Gita Jayanti 2021 grand by running a campaign and creating mass awareness about the significance and the reason behind celebration, when was Gita written? Who wrote Bhagavad Gita and many more... You can ask people to recite some Gita Jayanti quotes too!

How can we implement Shrimad Bhagavad Gita in our daily lives?

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, imparted by Shri Krishna is a must to implement in life; but how?  Let's take a look at the gist of 700 Shlokas, excerpts from “Answer to Life” booklet by Laksh Prerna Divine Foundation.

1. Gita- Defeat To Triumph

yatra yogeshvarah krishno yatra partho dhanur-dharah
tatra shrir vijayo bhutir dhruva nitir matir mama  (18.78)

Lord Shri Krishna was the companion of Arjuna, so, success, fame, glory, prosperity, and victory was attained easily by Arjuna.

If you also make Bhagwad Gita your friend, which is the heart of Shri Krishna, and apply the knowledge imparted in Bhagwad Gita, defeats can be converted into triumph within no time.

2. Gita - Anger To Calmness

krodhad bhavati sammohah sammohat smriti-vibhramah
smriti-bhranshad buddhi-nasho buddhi-nashat pranashyati (2.63)

The person, who falls prey to anger, loses his intellect. A person who loses his intellect, loses everything. Therefore, always think before you get angry.

The way darkness gobbles up sunshine, similarly anger can snatch the intellect from a person. Anger sows the seeds of violent behavior because of which man gets inflicted with various illnesses.

Therefore, vow never to get angry. At the onset of spark of anger, recite the above shloka and stay calm.

3. Gita- Easy Fame

karmany-evadhikaras te ma phaleshu kadachana
ma karma-phala-hetur bhur ma te sango ’stvakarmani (2.47)

'One should work selflessly' - This knowledge from the Gita has been adopted and reflected by nature in various ways. The sun endures constantly and rises every morning and encourages people to wake up and perform actions and duties. The winds keep blowing, the rivers keep flowing and there is no threshold on the actions of the earth. Nature works incessantly, never thinks, why should I work, what will I get? It does not even know that it is the life-giver to lakhs and crores of beings.

Similarly, man should also shed his shell of laziness and keep working. People who are lazy and indolent, do not perform actions or strive. The fortune of such people also remain dormant. Only hardworking people get the taste of success.

4. Gita- Restlessness To Concentration

asanshayam maha-baho mano durnigraham chalam
abhyasena tu kaunteya vairagyena cha grihyate (6.35)

Mahabaho! (O' Great Warrior!) Undoubtedly it is not easy to focus the mind. But with constant practice, this is achievable.

This verse is too important for students because a fickle mind cannot achieve success.

Therefore, every student should work upon improving his concentration. One should assimilate knowledge with awareness and keep revising whatever one has learnt. When one constantly keeps studying, even the impossible becomes possible.

5.Gita- Key To Action

karmano hyapi boddhavyam boddhavyam cha vikarmanah
akarmanash cha boddhavyam gahana karmano gatih  (4.17)

'One should understand the nature of karma, nature of inaction and nature of bad karma because the nature of karma is very furious.

When we look at people who are prosperous and affluent, one wonders what are the actions that have made these people so happy. One has to agree that in all species; happiness sorrow, family, prosperity, are attained through the results of past actions.

The outcome of pious acts is happiness and of bad actions is suffering.

The calf locates its mother amongst a thousand cows. Similarly, the good and bad fruits of the actions of previous lives come and locate the doer.

Therefore, one should only perform good deeds, selfless service, practice spiritual discipline and do virtuous acts.

This has been termed as 'Daivi-Sampada' (divine treasure) in Bhagwad Gita. Daivi-Sampada helps you to stay on the righteous path and leads you to the higher levels, whereas the wicked acts drag you to the lower levels.

6. Gita- Grief to Joy

duhkheshv-anudvigna-manah sukheshu vigata-sprihah
vita-raga-bhaya-krodhah sthita-dhir munir uchyate  (2.56)

When sorrow attacks with intensity, don't fret or get anxious. When sorrow befalls, one feels completely devoured by the pressure. So, one should be mindful of their breath and think, after all, for how long will this sorrow survive? This shall also pass. The cycle of sorrow and happiness continues.

Therefore, one should remain balanced and equipoised during times of grief and sorrow and let it pass.

The passage of time will reduce the intensity of sorrow. The key to real happiness is to remain balanced in times of happiness and sadness.

7.Gita - A Shield

tam eva sharanam gachchha sarva-bhavena bharata
tat-prasadat param shantim sthanam prapsyasi shashvatam  (18.62)

'Whenever faced with adversity, come to the mercy of Gita and keep repeating the verses. You will definitely be protected under the shield of Gita'.

Gita is an insurance for heart and mind. This insurance is not only for present birth but for your after births too. The insurance provided by Gita keeps renewing on its own.

What is the message of Bhagavad Gita?

Prernamurti Bharti Shriji -

'Currently, fear of disease, fear of death, fear of economic recession, fear of mental imbalance etc. is prevalent in the society. The disease of the body can still be treated, but there is no cure for the imbalance of the mind. The treatment of physical illness is with Gaumata and the treatment of mental and intellectual illness is with Gita Mata.

There is no end to the immense knowledge of this great book. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is the heart of God. The Lord Himself says-

'Gita me hridyam Partha'   (Gita is my heart).

For those who themselves read the Gita, make others read it and do the service of preaching Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, the Lord says: -

na cha tasman manushyeshu kashchin me priya-krittamah
bhavita na cha me tasmad anyah priyataro bhuvi 

'There is no one among men who is dear to me than him, and in the future, there will be no one who will be dearer to me than him on the entire earth.

And this is what Shrimad Bhagavad Gita bestows us with; nearness and dearness of Krishna!'

Happy Gita Jayanti to all the readers!

Have you done your bit by running a campaign, this Geeta Jayanti? Tell us about your experience in the comment section below.

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  1. Key of Success is ShrimadBhgvat Gita.๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  2. Great initiative by Satprerna ...Today fast changing world need some keys from our vedic Indian culture and best way is to read Shri Geetaji

  3. Wow happy Geeta jayanti ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  4. Gita is only scripture in the world whose birthday is celebrated. So, let's contribute to create awareness about Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Jayanti


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