
Showing posts with the label WorldCancerDay2022


 There are certain diseases that can give one jitters, CANCER is one of them. It is one of the most dreadful disease of mankind and one for which still no absolute cure has been found. There are many myths and misunderstanding about the disease too. Cancer is not always lethal as it is commonly believed to be. Let’s understand some of the facts related to the disease. About World Cancer Day  World Cancer Day is an initiative of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) organized every year on 4th February with the aim of creating global awareness about Cancer, its prevention and cure. The World Cancer Day theme for 2022 is “Close the Care Gap” with the motto that everyone should have access to the cancer care. Every one of us can make a difference, so let’s join hands to reduce the impact of cancer and see how we can contribute for preventing Cancer! #CloseTheCareGap #WorldCancerDay Do you know? · Around 10 million people die of Cancer every year  · According to Medical news To