Everlasting Source of Inspiration - Prernamurti Bharti Shriji

On the pious day of Margashirsha Krishna Dwitiya, December 15th, our Beloved Shriji incarnated.

Now, who can describe the Indescribable! 

Shriji is an epitome of selflessness, tolerance, and inspiration. For Shriji no work is small and 'Impossible' is a nonexistent vocabulary in Her dictionary.

Every moment of Her life is full of divine inspirations. She upgrades human beings with innumerable motivations at every step. Sometimes the motivation for fearlessness and restraint, the inspiration for respect and love for all. Sometimes, inspiration for penance and selfless action, sometimes inspiration of courage and enthusiasm in the mind of a loser. Sometimes inspiration of being optimistic and balanced in every situation, sometimes inspiration to relieve the sorrow of distressed people and to make them happy.

Prernamurti Bharti Shriji


Thus, the devotees prefix Prernamurti before Shriji’s name.

Prernamurti Shriji’s love for cows

In some parts of India, cows were frequently harmed, butchered and left to stray. Shriji resolved to protect them and in front of Lord Surya prayed to mother cow itself to lighten up Her path for protection of all the cows. Her holiness left no stone unturned in the protection and safety of cows. After a span of a month, Shriji exclaimed 'I am very happy that my resolution was successful. My resolve to stop cow slaughter has spread in the global consciousness and it succeeded.' Many states had banned butcher houses and people are now aware of the glory of Mother cow to some extent.' 

Prernamurti Shriji - An Ocean of Affection

Every person is suffering from the veil of ignorance. Everyone is trapped in the illusion of mundane mire. But for Shriji, mind and thoughts alone are the reason for suffering. 

If we contemplate that- I am not bound, I am omniscient, blissful, worries and tension are not for me...  ', then no power in this universe can stop you from being liberated. A single auspicious thought of ours spreads in the world because we are connected to the entire universe. Shriji’s affection and mother like gesture and such motivating discourses enlighten the inner self of all the distressed people and they experience a new life.  

Equanimity is synonymous with Prernamurti Shriji

Yes, you read that right! Be it a situation of immense pleasure or a slanderous circumstance, Her holiness stays in equanimity. Even if the circumstances turns worse no situation can shake Her because, those who have realized themselves, take the criticisms, critics, and slanders as a blessing from God. For Shriji- 'Being angry at the slanderer makes one's own mind disturbed and when the mind loses its peace, then how can you attain success in Sadhana?  Due to the contemplation of the things said by them and their behavior, hatred develops in our mind for them, so instead of being angry, remain tolerant and calm. If our austerity increases with time, then slanderer will repent for their own deeds.  Also, a real Saint is one who doesn't bother about praises and criticisms. 

jnana-vijnana-triptatma kuta-stho vijitendriyah
yukta ityuchyate yogi sama-loshtashma-kanchanah (Bhagvad Gita 6.8)

The yogis who are satisfied by knowledge and discrimination, and have conquered their senses, remain undisturbed in all circumstances. They see everything—dirt, stones, and gold—as the same.

Prernamurti Shriji Personifies Seva

We all have gone through the 'Nishkam Karma Yoga' of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita but never tried to implement it in our lives because Ego always dominated our chores. But this is never the case for our beloved Shriji. Her holiness performs all the tasks as Her own. 

 To uplift the children, She becomes a child with them, just as in Masttshala - Vedic Summer camp. Becomes a mother to empower Girls, like in Navdha and a Guru for a true seeker.

Seeing Shriji working diligently in various fields, pumps us with immense energy to do each and every deed with utter ease. 

All the devotees long for these attributes in them, and would like to dedicate a verse from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita [4.9]-

janma karma cha me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah
tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so ’rjuna

Those who understand the divine nature of my birth and activities, O Arjun, upon leaving the body, do not have to take birth again, but come to my eternal abode.'

Take a glimpse at 1700 feet Chunari Arpan to Narmada River.

Prernamurti Shriji’s inspirational incident of Tolerance

Revealing Her incredible incident of tolerance, the context comes at a time when Shriji was only 7-8 years old. In those days, She used to be in a place called Wasna in Ahmedabad with Pujya Maiya (Shriji's mother) and some Sevika. At that time, vehicles were not so convenient. The bus was available from Wasna to Ram Nagar (Tolnaca) and had to walk about four kilometers from there to the ashram. One day She was walking with Maiyaji and was visiting the Ashram. Maiyaji was walking ahead with all and Shriji was walking behind, playing. Suddenly while crossing the road, Shriji collided with a camel and fell. One leg of the camel was placed on Her arm and the other on Her neck! For this reason, the tongue was split between the teeth and started to hang down. Only 7-8 years old little Shriji and such a big accident!! How heart-rending the scene would be!! But this little girl had amazing patience and tolerance!! When the tongue was cut, the blood stream immediately started flowing from the mouth, but to keep that hidden Shriji kept Her mouth shut and not even a single drop of tear in Her eyes. When young children get a slight injury or fall a little bit, they weep and create a big chaos! But here...little Shriji did not cry, neither did She let Her tear drop, nor did She made anybody feel anything.... This type of extraordinary virtue depicts the child's greatness for future.

Because of the injured split tongue, the blood was flowing profusely, for how long could She hold it inside the mouth? In a short while, Maiya's attention went to Shriji and saw that the mouth was closed, and the blood stream was flowing. But not even an expression of pain on the face of Shriji. When Maiya opened her mouth, She saw that Her mouth was full of blood and the tongue which She kept inside for so long was now hanging outside. Because of the severely cut tongue, She was not able to speak anything, nor was She able to show Her intense anguish. She walked on foot for 20-25 minutes and reached the destination. From there, She was taken to the doctor by car, which took 1 hour. Even after so much time, She was as calm as if nothing has happened to Her. The doctor was also amazed, "It is not the job of an ordinary child to bear such a severe pain. How She has tolerated it, is beyond my comprehension. He immediately stitched Shriji's tongue and said, "Now She will probably never speak and even if She speaks, She will not be able to speak clearly." Shriji had the same patience and parity on Her face even when Her tongue was getting stitched. 

For a few days, She does spoke in lisped manner, but here too She portrayed Her strong will power, that in a short period of time She began to speak very clearly.  She is also a beautiful singer, an orator, and a poet.

When She was taken back to the doctor, the doctor was surprised to see Shriji and said, "Never before has such a case occurred in my life, in such a short time, this child began to speak in clear terms, it is unbelievable!!

Guna sarvatr pujyet ll

From childhood, only the great personalities who give evidence of their virtues from such incidents, later touch the peak of highness and it is due to their divine qualities that they become revered and respectable. The context of their life becomes motivating for us, they gives us courage and strength so that we can laugh at not only the simple distress, but also tackle the greatest storms of life and keep the aim of spiritual advancement intact. 

Prernamurti Shriji’ s 9 Jewels of initiative

1) Spiritual Awakening: Awakening through Satsang to create a happy, healthy, successful, and prosperous life in every field, facing all the dangers of life.

2) Seva Parmo Dharma: Organizing Bhandara for distribution of food grains, food, clothes, and cash amongst the poor. Assistance to the helpless and destitute, performing Kanyadaan (marriage) of daughters of the poor.

3) Ascent of life: To understand the importance of INTELLIGENCE, INVALUABLE VALUES, IMPOSSIBLE TO POSSIBLE, camps are organized for the all-round development of students.

4) Ayushman Bhava: Rally, exhibition, drama, film, documentary, medicines, and simple experiments to get rid of addictions.

5) Utsav Anand: Special celebration of all major festivals spiritually and culturally to inspire a happy, healthy, relaxed, and successful life in today's stressful environment.

6) Vibrant 3G Project: The invaluable heritage of Indian culture is the celebration of various programs for the propagation and protection of 3G by transporting the dignity of Gau (Cow), Gita, Ganga i.e., 3G to the masses.

7) Divya Shishu Ratna: The secret of getting the best, divine, beautiful, healthy, and desired child, and special guidance with Ayurvedic medicines that are suitable for pregnancy.

8) Body Servicing Day - This initiative literally means to service the body by observing fast on every Ekadashi. 

9) Devi 'Being Women' - Shriji runs several campaigns to awaken the inherent abilities of women and make them realize their true worth.

Prernamurti Shriji's Sankalp

Vishva ke Kshitij par Bharat ke adhyatma surya ka uday hoga aur ho kar hi rahega jo vishva ko gyan ka prakash daan me dega.''

''The spiritual Sun of India will rise on the horizon of the world and come what may it has to rise, which will impart the light of wisdom to the world.''

Shriji! Bless us all so that we all can contribute our bit for the upliftment of Spirituality.

A little bouquet of words dedicated by disciples at the lotus feet of Shriji -

"You reflect it and She is there,

She is omnipotent, She is infinite,

She is there where you can't hide. 

In the stones, under the sea,

Amidst cloud and wherever you see!

When one contemplates, She is in his thoughts.

There is no place where Her holiness is not!

All loving and omniscience,

Truly, Shriji personifies benevolence.

 Imperishable, nondual and Pervader of the universe,

Subtlest of the subtle that can't be defined in a verse!"


"I was searching for God

Shriji says no need to look so far

God is not in the clouds

Or some far away star

God is hard to see. It’s a superpower

That resides in the minds of those who believe

Now I stopped searching for God

From Shriji I got to know God is a spirit, it’s our soul, it’s in our heart.

God is love that I saw in my Shriji."

Veena Gonela

" When the situation was terrible You were besides me

When the doubts dominated You solved it.

You are the ocean of inspiration 

And a mine of wisdom

To the best teacher, a magnificent preacher and above all my Gurudeva.

Janmadinam Shubhamastu sada Shriji."

Vrishahi Vishvakarma

Thanks for reading!

You can send your wishes in the comment section below!


  1. Wow!!
    Level of tolerance and patience is unbeatable in Shriji!

  2. Shriji is an asset to not even India but also for world.One must take this opportunity and engage himself in various karma yog activities ...Must read and become motivated

  3. Shriji is the youngest feminine Mystic I have ever seen.
    She is full of unconditional love , & Ever ready to embrace the poor & helpless people ,animals,birds , insect.

  4. My brave shriji πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  5. Shriji my inspiration for every step of my life

  6. Shriji is an everlasting source of inspiration who inspires today's youth to live a spiritual life while doing all the duties of this materialistic world and attain the true happiness within

  7. SHRIJI jaisa koi nahi....!!! Har umar har varg ka neev inki sharan me aakar khudko Unnat bana sakta hai..♥️


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